
25. heinäkuuta 2013

Tervehdys Myllykoskelta!

Kesä on futaajien kiireisintä aikaa. Kevään ja kesän aikana olemme treenanneet ahkerasti ja viikottainen harjoitusmäärä on pojasta riipuen ollut 3-5 harjoituskertaa viikossa. Tähän päälle sitten tietysti pelit, turnaukset sekä tehtävät MyPan edustusjoukkueen peleissä.

Joukkueemme on tällä kaudella pelannut piirisarjaa kahdessa eri tasolohkossa. Molemmissa on tullut kaikenlaista menestystä; voittoja, tasureita ja tappioita. Piirisarjaa pelataan Kaakkois-Suomen alueella. Pisimmillään reissaamme Heinolaan, Lappeenrantaan ja Imatralle.
Johannes ja joukkueenjohtaja Inka
uusissa upeissa joukkuevarusteissa

Olemme ottaneet osaa myös useaan turnaukseen. Huhtikuussa pelattiin Myllykoskella Puma-turnaus jossa sijoituimme hienosti toiseksi! Toukokuussa osallistuimme kahdella joukkueella Kevät cuppiin täällä Myllykoskella. Kesäkuussa matkasimme Inkeroisiin Ankkapurha-turnaukseen. Pelasimme kahdella joukkueella, haaste- ja harrastesarjoissa. Ennen harkkataukoa osallistuimme kauden suurimpaan yksittäiseen tapahtumaan, kolmena päivänä pelattuun Lahti Socceriin. Sijoituimme 24 joukkueen sarjassa sijalle 4.

Joukkueemme on kuluvalla kaudella kärsinyt loukkaantumisista ja pitkistä poissaoloista. Päätyipä maalivahtimme leikkauspöydälle astikin. Onneksi olemme saaneet kokoonpanoomme täydennystä nuoremmista ikäluokista.

Nyt lyhyen treenitauon jälkeen olemme palanneet kentälle ja jatkaneet treenejä. Piirisarjan syyskierros käynnistyy vielä Heinäkuun aikana ja elokuussa pelataan jälleen kolmipäiväinen kotiturnaus. Lisää

Tervetuloa Saviniemen stadionille 9.-11.8. nauttimaan turnaustunnelmasta!

MyPa:n edustajat Lahti Soccer  - turnauksessa

15. heinäkuuta 2013

Once more around the bonfire - Hyvästit työleirille nuotiotulilla!

After Finnish olympics the last evening in Anjala was spend around the fire. Työleirin viimeinen ilta Anjalassa kului kisaillen ja nuotion äärellä Suomi-muistoja maistellen.
12th July 
Later on, we followed Hanna and Henrika to participate to the Finnish Olympics. We were divided in two teams and needed to fight among the unbelievable challenges to win the prize.
The challenges were really difficult for us, poor foreign volunteers. We had to through boots, to walk in Nordic style, to kill some mosquitoes and to eat all the Finnish traditional food (mämmi, lakritsi, etc.)
After that, we went to Kota to cook some tikkupulla on the fire.
The evening ended happily quite late, everybody around the bonfire, already regretting that we had to leave the next morning after those incredible two weeks.
But we wanted to end that blog with a big KIITOS to Anjala Nuorisokeskus.

Romina from Belgium, Veronica and Nuria from Spain, Eliska and Adriana from Czech, Gorkem and Ali Ekin from Turkey, Marwin from Germany, Alex from England, Minseop from Korea, Noémie from France, and our locals Laura and Monika from Finland.

In touch with Finnish heritage - Päiväretkellä Verlassa

Trip to Verla, which is one of the Unesco´s world heritage sites. The industrial complex dates from the early years of the finnish wood processing industry and is today working as a museum.

12th July

The last night we spent in sauna for the three time and also last time for us. We enjoyed it like everytime. Indeed we will miss sauna. Today we went to visit paper factory in Verla, so we had to get up earlier than usually. Hanna took us for ‘’two kilometre- long’’ walk to forest. She wanted to show us finnish culture so we made shortcut through bushes. And we could fell touch of finnish nature on our own skin. When we were returning to Anjala with bus Ali and Gorkem took control of the driver seat. They tried to changed the bus to the night club. Unfortunately for day light they failed. After that when we came back, we took our bikes and rapidly continued to Emma’s farm. There we ride on horses. For someone it was for the first time in their life. The plan for tonight is finnish night, but we don’t know what will happen, because it’s secret.

Eliska and Ali

12. heinäkuuta 2013

Robin Hood and other games - Pelaillen viikon päätteeksi

Leiriläiset kehittivät Nuorisokeskukselle uusia kansainvälisiä pelejä ja pääsivät kokeilemaan keskuksen suosittua jousiammuntaa.

11th July
Following our international night, Ali’s attempts to turn our small kitchen into a “nightclub” collapsed into a mix of “Dad dancing”, poor music and a solitary disco ball supplemented by two laser pointers. The group concluded that this was exactly what nightclubs are normally like and promptly left for bed.

Today, potentially surprisingly for the loyal readers, we woke at 9am. This gift of sleep was as a result of the overwhelming success of last night’s festivities. Following our late start Alex made an attempt at cooking breakfast. This is always a difficult task using one pan and leftover food but nonetheless successful in the eyes of hungry consumers.

During the (short) morning we completed our work on the orchard. In our two weeks here it has been transformed from an overgrown jungle into a surface prepared for Sunday picnics in the sun.

After the typical lunch we were tasked with writing down the rules to numerous national games. Nuria and Veronica made the best of a situation sadly lacking in bulls by introducing the group to Balon Prisionero, a dodge ball like ball game. Minseop succeeded in teaching something original to the group through the explanation of Korean wrestling. Although volunteers to take part were limited, our brief experience was enjoyed by participants and spectators alike. For comic value, Gorkam and Ali forced the group into a bizarre dodge ball massacre involving the majority of the group being penned into a small area and pelted with, thankfully, soft balls. Other games saw an attempted explanation and execution, often to no success throughout a tiring three hour period, the end of which brought expansion into the scintillating field of archery.

Robin Hood (Ali) was almost shown up by our very own Maid Marian (Laura) in a competition that was sadly won according to the more traditional ending.

This evening we make our final visit to the Finnish sauna, an opportunity to relax before a busy Friday and our concluding weekend.

Alex and Nuria  

Farming and international dinner - Ruokaa maailmalta!

Farm work continued...and after that succesfull international dinner. No roosters were harmed...or eaten.
10th July
Last night after our meeting, some of us went to fishing again. First we hunted some worms from the soil and Adriana was professional hunter for the worms. Then we sat on the rock near the lake and waiting for the fish. As we know fishing was not an easy sport so we couldn’t hook it as we wanted. However, finally Alex caught a huge fish after 2 hours waiting and he was shouted and hop like a child. Hopefully, someday Nuria can catch some fish.

Today we switch our work, so group A went to the horse farm and group B to the cow farm. In horse farm we could see a lot of horse, not like yesterday and we met beautiful farm owner and her lovely two little angels. They were so cute that we couldn’t concentrate on our work. (Probably for me, I forgot which work I did at the horse farm.)

At the cow farm we did many things. We assembled milking machines which is the hardest job, gave foods for the cows, milk for the baby cows, and also shoveled some shit. We also managed to catch one cow from the field and put it inside. Then we returned to Anjala with a lovely smell.

Today is the international evening, so we traveled to the S-market to buy some ingredients for our dinner and then in Katariina, started to cook each nation’s foods. We also invited Emma to our dinner, we tasted 9 different foods and it was successful event.
International evening was one of unforgettable memory. 
Kansainvälinen illallinen oli menestys!

10. heinäkuuta 2013

Maitotilalla lypsyapulaisina!

Työleiri autteli lypsykarjatilalla nuorisokeskuksen naapurissa.

Tuesday 9th july

Yesterday evening we went to sauna for the second time. It was as good as the first one. We spent many time into the sauna but also in the living room where we had an interesting social and politic debate which ended because we were too tired to go on fighting. No one got hurt, we are still friends so it was a good evening.

Today’s plan was to visit two farms, so after the daily breakfast we split in two groups. The first one was: Monika, Ali, Adriana, Veronica, Minseop, Marwin, Arrrrttu and Noémie. We went to the caw’s farm where we had the chance the feed the caws, milk them, and tried to catch them in the field. We also helped with cleaning the milking machines and the stables, using our favourite tool: the kotticarry.

The second group was: Laura, Gorkem, Eliska, Nuria, Alex, Romina and Hanna. We went to the horses farm where we saw 3 horses. In the morning, we carried outside some beds and everyone had a “déjà-vu”. After lunch, we painted a house in pink so now Barbie and Ken can live happily ever after in Anjala.
Emma, the owner of the farm backed some delicious blueberry and chocolate cackes. We are starting to get use to good food.

Now, everybody is quite tired after this long day at the farm and we don’t know yet how we’ll spend this evening.
Adriana and Romina
Cleaning the milking machines, what an experience!